TS SBTET - Conduct of Practical/Drawing subjects Unit Test-I for 2nd, 4th and 6th semesters
Sub:- SBTET-EXAMS-Conduct of Practicals/Drawing Subjects Unit Test-I for C-16 II & IV Semesters, C-14 VI Semester-Certain guidelines communicated-Reg.

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With reference to the subject cited above, it is informed to all the Principals of Polytechnics that Unit Test-I question papers of all Practical/Drawing subjects will be conducted as per the pattern given in Ref. 2nd cited above. The Practicals/Drawing subjects Examination unit test-I question paper is to be set by the concerned subject teacher in such a way that the values/materials have to be changed for each batch accordingly in order to ensure variation from batch to batch of students so as to get more quality in conduct of practicals in an efficient manner.

These Unit Tests in Practicals subjects including Drawing shall be conducted during the regular Practical class hours as per the time table of each college from 08-01- 2018 to 20-01-2018 without effecting conduct of other theory subjects. On completion of the Examination the respective staff member shall evaluate and send the scanned copy of question paper, valued answer scripts copy at random one script/20 candidates marks sheet (format enclosed) duly signed by the respective lecturer, Head of Section and Principal to dsee1.sbtetts@gmail.com and copy to jssbtetts@gmail.com.
The last date to submit the same is immediately after completion of the concerned examination. Hence all the Principals are requested to bestow your personal attention in order to conduct the Unit Test-I for Practicals/Drawing subjects fairly and effectively failing which the matter will be viewed seriously.

Date and time of Examination
College Code
Name of the candidate
Name of the Experiment
Marks Awarded

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