JNTU 3-1 sem Time table Oct/Nov 2017: JNTUK B.tech/B.pharmacy 3-1 sem (R13,R10) Regular/Supply Time table Oct/Nov 2017. JNTUK released the 3-1 semester Regular/Supply Examination time table 2017. Here in this page we provide the time table. You can get the latest JNTUK updates from official website www.jntuk.edu.in. JNTUK 3-1 semester examinations are conducts from 25-10-2017 to 08-11-2017.
JNTUK B.tech 3-1 R13 Time Table 2017
JNTUK B.tech 3-1 R10 Time Table 2017
JNTUK B.pharm 3-1 Time Table 2017
JNTUK B.tech 3-1 semester R13 time table Oct/Nov 2017 is available now. You can check your examinations dates from the following images.JNTUK B.tech 3-1 R13 Time Table 2017
JNTUK B.tech 3-1 R10 Time Table 2017
JNTUK B.pharm 3-1 Time Table 2017
JNTUK B.tech 3-1 sem R13 Regular/Supply Examination Time table Oct/Nov 2017
B.tech 2017 JNTUK B.tech 3-1 sem R10 Supplementary Time table Oct/Nov 2017
JNTUK B.tech 3-1 sem R10 Supply Time table Oct/Nov 2017 are announced. You can check your exam dates from this site. Here in this site we provide the Time table.B.pharmacy 2017 JNTUK B.pharmacy 3-1 sem (R13,R10) Regular/Supply Exam Time table Oct 2017
JNTUK B.pharmacy 3-1 sem Reg/Supply Exam Time table Oct/Nov 2017 Available Now. As of time table the examinations are starts from 25-10-2017 and ends on 6-11 2017. The timings for the examination are 10 AM to 1 PM.Also Read:
JNTUK B.tech/B.pharmacy 2-1 sem Exam Fee Notification September 2017
JNTUK B.tech/B.pharmacy 4-1 sem (R13,R10) Supply Exam Fee Notification Sept 2017
JNTUK B.tech/B.pharmacy 2-1 sem R16 2nd Mid Time table Oct 2017
JNTUK B.tech 3-1 R13 2nd Mid Online Bits October 2017
JNTUK B.tech 2-1 R16 2nd mid online bits 2017