JNTUK B.tech/B.pharmacy 2-2 sem(R13,R10) Supply Exam Time table Nov 2017 was released. You can download the time tables from this page. Here in this we provide the JNTUK 2-2 Supply Time table 2017 in the form of JPG images. By clicking the following links you are redirected to your respective time table section. JNTUK B.tech/B.pharmacy 2-2 semester R13, R10 Supply Examinations November 2017 are conducted from 13-11-2017. You can download the time table from the official website www.jntuk.edu.in. Here in this website we provide the Time tables of JNTUK  B.tech 2-2 sem (R13, R10) Supplementary Examinations Time table Nov 2017. JNTU Kakinada conducts these examinations from 13-11-2017.

JNTUK B.tech 2-2 sem R13 Supply Time table 2017
JNTUK B.tech 2-2 sem R10 Supply Time table 2017
JNTUK B.pharmacy 2-2 sem (R13,R10) Supply Time table 2017

JNTUK 2-2 sem R13,R10 Supply Time table 2017

JNTUK 2-2 sem(R13,R10) Supply Exam Time table 2017

Download JNTUK B.tech/ B.pharmacy 2-2 semester Supply Examination Time tables Nov 2017 for R13, R10 Regulations. All the JNTUK students who are failed in the regular examinations are eligible to write the 2-2 Supply Examinations. Soon we will provide the Jumbling centers list for JNTUK 2-2 Supply Exams 2017. We provide the JNTUK B.tech/ B.pharmacy 2-2 Sem Supply Exam Time table Nov 2017 in JPG images format. To download official time table visit official website jntuk.edu.in.

JNTUK B.tech 2-2 sem R13 Supply Time table 2017

JNTUK B.tech 2-2 sem R13 Supply Exam Time table November 2017 are provided below. You can check your time tables from official website. In below we provide the JNTUK B.tech 2-2 supply Time table for R13 regulation. By simply scrolling down you can check your time tables.

JNTUK B.tech 2-2 sem R10 Supply Time table 2017

JNTUK B.tech 2-2 sem R10 Supplementary Examinations Time table November 2017 is available. In the below images we provided the JNTUK B.tech 2-2 Supply Time table for R10 Regulation. You can get the complete details of the JNTUK B.tech / B.pharmacy 2-2 sem (R13,R10) Supplementary Examination Time table 2017. For more details of the notification visit the official website.

JNTUK B.pharmacy 2-2 sem (R13,R10) Supply Time table 2017

JNTUK B.pharmacy 2-2 Semester (R13, R10 ) Supply Exam Time table 2017 is provided in below figures. JNTUK B.pharmacy 2-2 sem Supply examinations Nov 2017 for R13, R10 regulations is provided below. JNTUK 2-2 Supply Exams are conducts from 13-11-2017. You can see the complete details of the time table from the below. For more details of the time table visit official website.

Also Read:
JNTUK B.tech/B.pharmacy 3-1 Sem R13,R10 Regular/Supply Time table Oct/Nov 2017
JNTUK 2-1 Regular/Supply Time table Oct/Nov 2017
JNTUK 4-1 R13 2nd Mid Online bits 2017
JNTUK 1-1 sem R16 2nd mid online bits 2017

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