SBTET-EXAMS- Diploma Exams Oct/Nov - 2017 - Common Instructions to Chief Superintendents - Communicated.
With reference to the subject cited above the Diploma Examinations will be conducted from 25th October 2017 on wards.
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It is further informed that the Principals of all centers/Institutions are requested to furnish the recorded data of all examinations i.e., starting date to the last exam date in the form of CD/Pen drive to Sri Dr. K Shashank, DY. Secretary, EE-1,SBTET,TS., Hyderabad .II) The Principals of all colleges are requested to furnish the CC cameras footage recorded, IP Sharing i.e., user ID to view the footage live at the Office of the Secretary, SBTET Hyd.. The details shall be sent to the In this context the institutions which have not yet installed the CC- cameras/Surveillance system are requested to install them in all exam halls, control room and inter facing with the central facility located at Hyderabad and keep ready for recording of the forth coming Diploma examinations, Oct/Nov, 2017.
With reference to the subject cited above the Diploma Examinations will be conducted from 25th October 2017 on wards.
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Sub:-SBTET —EXAMS- Diploma Exams Oct/Nov, 2017-Common Instructions to Chief Superintendents — Communicated - Reg.
With reference to the subject
cited the Diploma
Examinations will be conducted from 25t' October, 2017 onwards reference (1) cited
It is further informed
that the ‘COMMON
through mail to all Principals of the Exam Centres.
Principals are requested to furnish the following information to this office
immediately in Excel sheet
as attachment without
fail on or before
19-09-2017 by mail to
It is further informed that the Principals of all centers/Institutions are requested to furnish the recorded data of all examinations i.e., starting date to the last exam date in the form of CD/Pen drive to Sri Dr. K Shashank, DY. Secretary, EE-1,SBTET,TS., Hyderabad .II) The Principals of all colleges are requested to furnish the CC cameras footage recorded, IP Sharing i.e., user ID to view the footage live at the Office of the Secretary, SBTET Hyd.. The details shall be sent to the In this context the institutions which have not yet installed the CC- cameras/Surveillance system are requested to install them in all exam halls, control room and inter facing with the central facility located at Hyderabad and keep ready for recording of the forth coming Diploma examinations, Oct/Nov, 2017.
As you are
aware that Part-I
of the Q.R. code answer
script is to be detached
before packing at the examination centre and ;
The flaps of (part-I) QR code Sheets are
to be detached and arranged separately in a separate small cover (Supplied by
SBTET) and the same cover is to be kept in the corresponding big cover
containing main answer scripts.
In case
of SG Answer
scripts, the Part-I flap
of the corresponding script
is not be detached and such SG answer scripts are
packed in separate big cover subject
wise and sent to
the coding camp with other
To Download the official Notification visit Official website.
If you Have Any Doubts/Questions Comment Below.