JNTUK B.tech/B.pharmacy 3-1 R13 1st Mid Time table August 2017. JNTUK 4-1 1st mid examinations are conducts from 08-08-2017. JNTU Kakinada announced the JNTUK 3-1 sem R13 1st mid examinations time table Aug 2017 of B.tech and B.pharmacy courses. So JNTUK B.tech 3-1 semester R13 1st mid examinations are conducts on 2nd week of August 2017. JNTUK 3-1 1st mid examinations are conducts for various branches like EEE, ECE, CSE, Mech and Civil etc. For all the branches JNTUK announced the time table. From the following links you can download the JNTUK 3-1 R13 first mid time table 2017.

JNTUK 3-1 R13 1st Mid time table 2017(click)

JNTUK 3-1 R13 1st mid online bits 2017(Info)

JNTUK 3-1 R13 1st Mid time table Aug 2017

JNTUK announced the 3-1 R13 1st mid time table August 2017. The examinations are conducts on second week of Aug. This mid or internal examination was conducted for different branches. Both B.tech and B.pharmacy Students write this exams. The branches like Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Mechanical, Computer science etc. All the branches students write this examinations. JNTUK B.tech 3-1 R13 1st mid Time table 2017. Download JNTUK 3-1 R13 1st Mid EEE time table Aug 2017. Download JNTUK 3-1 R13 1st Mid ECE time table Aug 2017. Download JNTUK 3-1 R13 1st Mid CSE time table Aug 2017. Download JNTUK 3-1 R13 1st Mid Mech time table Aug 2017. Download JNTUK 3-1 R13 1st Mid Civil time table Aug 2017. You can also download the JNTUK 3-1 R13 1st mid online bits 2017. Download JNTUK B.tech 3-1 sem R13 1st mid online bits Aug 2017 fro different branches like ECE, EEE,Mech,Civil and CSE. The students from third year 1st semester can download their online bits from this website soon.

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