JNTUK B.tech/ B.pharmacy 2-1 R16 1st Mid Time Table August 2017. JNTUK 2-1 sem 1st mid Time tables 2017 was announced by JNTUK. JNTUK 2-1 1st Mid examinations are conducts from 08-08-2017 on wards. JNTUK release official mid examinations time table 2017. So you can download the JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st Mid Time tables August 2017 from the following links.

JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st mid Time table 2017(click)
JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st mid online bits 2017(click)

The time table was released by JNTU Kakinada. JNTUK B.tech 2-1 R16 1st Mid Time table Aug 2017. JNTUK B.pharmacy 2-1 R16 1st Mid Time table Aug 2017. You can download the B.tech and B.pharmacy 2-1 semester time tables for ECE,CSE,EEE,Mech and Civil branches. You can also download the online bits of 2-1 sem . JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st Mid online bits Aug 2017. You can download the 2-1 sem 1st mid time table 2017. Download JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st Mid ECE Time table 2017. Download JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st Mid EEE Time table 2017. Download JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st Mid Mech Time table 2017.Download JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st Mid Civil Time table 2017. Download JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st Mid CSE Time table 2017. You can also download JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st mid online bits 2017.The online bits are not official these are prepared from text books. Take this online bits as reference purpose only.
JNTUK 2-1 R16 1st mid online bite 2017